Graduation Lyrics?


Been letting all those days

All that time slip away

But now the curtains are closing

And everything’s going

Wait a minute, please

I feel we’re going too fast

Press pause then rewind

Take me back to the past

Do you still see the days

Of laughing in hallways

Or running down the streets

Wearing hearts on our sleeves

And there were

No tears, no fears, no thoughts of goodbyes

No doubt that there’s a light

Shining brightly for us


All the words that we said

All the steps that we take

They left marks on the floor

So when we walk out the door

They’ll always remember

Al ways remember us

So now



Here we are

Breaking the high walls

Raising our voices

Here we are

Faced with the crossroads

Taking our chances

With the world and its offer

Be it pain or disaster

We’ll let it come our way

Cause we know that we won’t break

Here we are, Here we are


When ten years pass

Will we still see each other

Walk down memory lane

If the skies have turned grey

And in our reunions

While we talk of our lives

Will the moment still be sweet?

Or will we just drift away?

(Insert short instrumental)

Well, for now


Flip the pages of our yearbook

Try to take a good look

At the pictures of your friends

And all the teachers that you had

These people that you miss

Those moments of shared bliss

Hold on to those days

Hold on to those years

Hold on and remember

Hold on


(fade out)

I know, cheesy, but it’s a graduation song. That’s our project for music: make your own graduation song. It’s actually a competition. Two groups per class, then the winner that competes with the three others winners. It’s not an easy thing to win, especially since the good musicians are spread out.They’ll judge the lyrics first. I wrote everything except half of the chorus which was written by Alfie ( and so far, the chorus is the only part that has a tune.

Senior year is so stressful. And this isn’t the only project we have that’s hard. We also have to make a video for our Health class, advertising proper care of our heart. If I could only suggest that the best way to keep us healthy was to not bombard us with these projects…And then we have to make a school website for our Computer class. Then our English project is this resume thing that I don’t really understand and for Filipino we have this monologue thing that remains a mystery to me and also that Physics buzzer project.

No sleeping tonight.


Me and my extremely messy handwriting.