Insomnia Drawings


Watched Captain America: The Winter Soldier

Watched Captain America: The Winter Soldier

Ten minute illustrations of Edgar Allan Poe's most famous works: Annabel Lee, The Raven, and The Tell-Tale Heart

Ten minute illustrations of Edgar Allan Poe’s most famous works: Annabel Lee, The Raven, and The Tell-Tale Heart

Concept for Thought and the Traveler, a short story I wrote back in high school.

Concept for Thought and the Traveler, a short story I wrote back in high school.

Had the urge to make a small comic of Donna Tartt's "The Secret History". This is the first page. Have yet to do the others.

Had the urge to make a small comic of Donna Tartt’s “The Secret History”. This is the first page. Have yet to do the others.

Speed paint of Rustin Cohle from True Detective

Speed paint of Rustin Cohle from True Detective

Speed paint of Carl from the Walking Dead

Speed paint of Carl from the Walking Dead

Jon Snow and Ghost from Game of Thrones

Jon Snow and Ghost from Game of Thrones

Prince Ivan and the Grey Wolf for a Russian friend of mine.

Prince Ivan and the Grey Wolf for a Russian friend of mine.

The Incredibles is one of my favorite Pixar movies.

The Incredibles is one of my favorite Pixar movies.


Yes, I really haven’t been sleeping well at all.

They lied about the sun

DRAWINGS (these are long overdue, anyway):






I’m not dead, just too lazy to wait for this page to load which is why I haven’t updated this blog until now. A lot of things have happened. I went to Vietnam, got drunk on rice wine, went to Rizal, met up with a few friends, lost one, gained another, stayed awake three days straight thanks to our caffeine-infested kitchen, had my eighteenth birthday, got a slight hangover the day after which when combined with a flu really isn’t enjoyable, got a ukulele, snapped my guitar strings again, restocked our bookshelves, and am now nursing another flu which probably came with the water of our school’s swimming pool.

Weather? Freezing. As in cups-of-coffee-jackets-worn-at-home-slug-mucus freezing, and this is meant to be a tropical country. I have no idea how the ones up north are still alive. I drink too much coffee and tea but I can’t help it. I need something warm (no innuendos, please). My mouth tastes of coffee and cup noodles and it’s still not enough. I still have a slug mucus invading my nostrils.

Damn, you probably didn’t want to know about that. Sorry, I get carried away.

I can’t believe it but I kind of miss the warmth of the sun. Ironic since I complain about heat a lot. I just hate getting sick and I hate waking up in the middle of the night, dying for a piss. I’m running out of jackets to wear, too, and I keep looking at the sky, as if I’m waiting for snow to fall. Or maybe I’m waiting for the worst.

Such maudlin thinking. It’s the cold, I swear.


Old Drawings I Never Bothered to Post

And I still suck when it comes to titles.

I’d like to tell you about gym class because my whole body is aching and it feels like I have Spongebob’s huge thigh gap. But I don’t have photographs of our baseball practice, and that was quite embarrassing so let’s just skip that and move to what this post is really about: a junk post. As in, I’m just posting this because I have nothing to do and I’m quite bored.


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I got addicted to ink before the start of school. There’s Jack Frost from Rise of the Guardians and above him is a sketchdump of The Walking Dead. The others are just my original works.IMG_2523

A tiny comic I made for my friend. The only copy of it rests in her hands. It’s a dystopian, post-modern story inspired by Orwell’s 1984.IMG_3400

Pippin, Merry, Frodo, Sam, and Gandalf from The Fellowship of the Ring using markers on watercolor paper.

I started reading the series and it’s quite nice. I’m nearly done with the first book. Pippin Took is my favorite because he’s such a brat and of course, I absolutely love Gandalf.. He’s always telling them they’re stupid, albeit subtly.IMG_3403

A charcoal study of the poster of this show.

I have also started watching Da Vinci’s Demons and this series is absolutely beautiful. It’s like a mix of my two favorite shows, BBC Sherlock and Game of Thrones. And Tom Riley is a gorgeous man who looks like Filipino actor, Richard Gomez (which is all kinds of weird but I try not to mind). It has everything: mysteries, gore-y stuff, magical realism, history, and of course, art. I am shamelessly promoting this show. It is wonderful. Watch it. If you’re a fan of BBC Sherlock watch this until September, when Season 3 begins. I’m such a geek. I should stop. But they’re so good and I rewatched Sherlock again yesterday which would be sixth (seventh?) time.  I am rambling. Stop.

Enough with that.


I have a new project coming up. My final paper for Lit class, actually, and it’s an illustrated book of Neil Gaiman’s Neverwhere. There are two choices actually. Either that or John Green’s Paper Towns which was the original choice. But I did my best to put Neverwhere in because, while John Green is a good writer, paper Towns won’t look as good as Neverwhere once you illustrate it. But I may be biased because I absolutely adore Neil Gaiman. So I am excited. Very, very excited to get started.

Graphite Sticks

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I went to Deovir in Recto two weeks ago and because everything was surprisingly cheap (okay, maybe not by much, but if you’ve bought in National Bookstore your whole life before, you can understand) so I went overload and bought all kinds of things: watercolor sketchpads, white charcoal, graphite sticks, charcoal sticks, etc. Had I more money with me, I would have bought those Van Gogh oil pastels in display. 60 oil pastels in a box with Van Gogh’s face on it! What more can a girl want???

I messed around with the graphites first. Snapped one into two, actually, when my prof allowed me to use it for our plate instead of using regular charcoal.

So Joker and Harry. Harry I drew for a tumblr request. Joker I drew because I was upset about something and I tend to draw creepy guys with clown makeup when I’m spiraling towards depression. Well, not really. I must have been upset because of lack of coffee in the house or something.The reason doesn’t matter anyway. Joker’s already been adopted by one of my blockmates and is currently hanging over her bed, I guess. It’s endearing in a way.

The Hobbit


We were introduced to kraft paper two days ago and according to Benj, we’ll be using it for the rest of the sem until we move to canvases. Our subject for our first Outdoor Drawing class was the huge tree in the place where we usually ate. It was not easy to draw that tree. I’m alright with foreshortening but when it comes to the length of certain things, well, I tend to make things a bit too long or too short. And I overwork the shading. Also, I jacked it up with the white pencil since I went crazy adding highlights (the white pencil I used was borrowed from Benj and it was expensive so…I abused it). Sadly, I don’t have the drawing with me (it’s silently beginning to collect dust in the studio room and will only be returned at the end of the year, slightly crumpled with the edges torn)(I have no idea why some of our drawings end up in this state).

The thing about kraft paper is it makes your pencil marks reflective and it’s not absorbent so the pencil you just bought will shrink to the size of your pinky by the time you’re done. The other thing about kraft paper is it’s brown and, well it’s brown. Putting highlights is amazing which is the reason why I went crazy on that plate. I bought three of these things then I cut them up and drew portraits.

This is the first one I did is a quick sketch of Martin Freeman as Bilbo Baggins in The Hobbit. I’m not a fan of Lord of the Rings, by the way. I have never watched a single film and I’ve only read a bit of the books (The Hobbit is the exception. I know the first paragraph by heart because I spent a summer with only that book to read. It was one miserable summer). I am a fan of Martin, though, because of BBC Sherlock which I’m very addicted to (I filled a folder of fan art for that show two weeks after I watched the first episode. I have a problem. I cannot stop drawing their faces.)

I’ll probably watch this movie, though.